Thursday, June 15, 2017

Self-affirming words and actions are necessary to counteract the unpleasant things people have said about ourselves and the upleasant things we have said about ourselves."
Iyanla Vanzant

Monday, June 5, 2017

Ritual Paper
A ritual paper is a way of putting your wish or desire on paper.  It is the beginning step to manifesting your wish in your life.  Churches would have members write their prayer request on pieces of paper and drop them in the prayer box.  The elders of the church and the pastor would pray over the prayer box.  This was a way of presenting the church member’s needs, to God, for intervention.  Writing ritual papers is the same thing. 

Ritual papers can be: petition papers, name papers and prayer papers.
-       Petition Paper is a request or wish written on a piece of paper to be presented to God or a deity.

-       Name Paper is a paper with the name of a person or yourself, of which you want to cast a spell on.

-       Prayer Paper contain a prayer or bible verse that relates to your situation.

Who use ritual papers?
Spiritual workers, rootworkers, voodooist, Christians, plus many other religious groups and practitioners.

When and where is a ritual paper used?
We use them when we want something to manifest or leave our lives.  Ritual paper can be made out in nature (Leaf, bark) or at home with everyday supplies (paper bag, money, picture etc).  They are used in candle spells, made into charms or burned in incenses. 

How to create a ritual paper?
With petition paper and name paper, a wish or name is written several times in rows.  In hoodoo, common numbers are 3, 7, 9 and 13. In the examples or pictures, I used 3.

Petition paper: Write a person name several times in rows.  If you want your wish to come into your life, quarter turn your paper clockwise.  If you want something to leave your life, quarter turn your paper counterclockwise. Write the wish over the name, the same number of times you wrote the name.

Name paper: a person’s name is written several times in rows. Next, quarter turn your paper clockwise or counterclockwise. Write the controlling or dominating person name or action over the name. (Petition and name paper are very similar.  Petition paper involved a person and wish.  Name paper involves 2 people).

Prayer paper: You can simple write a prayer or bible verse on a piece of paper.  When I do prayer papers I write the name first and crossed by the bible verse.

After you do the ritual paper, anointed the paper with oil in the four corners and the center. Some people may put hair, herbs or powders in the center, but this is optional.

Next, fold the paper towards you, if you want the wish to come into your life.  Fold the paper away from you if you want the wish to leave you. Quarter turn the paper clockwise or counterclockwise. Continue to turn and fold the paper three times.

You are now ready to continue your ritual.

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My name is Lynda and I'm the founder and owner of 13 Deep Roots. I'm a spiritual worker with academic learning and practical experience in many different areas of folk magic traditions. In this blog I will be writing about 13 Deep Roots products, as well as other spiritual products, rituals, affirmations, prayers, saints, deities etc. This is also a great place for you to ask questions about the use of various products and discover ways to improve your daily life. Magick or spiritual work should be used for the empowerment of one's self , for the betterment of the community and the world. All power and domain over everything in the sky, the earth and the ocean is given unto us. The power of the Cosmos is ours to wield freely provided we do it with integrity, respect and faith.

Stop 🛑  Gossiping  One of the saddest things I come across on the internet, among friends, co-workers and acquaintances, and many, man...